Ladies Auxiliary

The ladies of Sardis Church have several outings throughout the year to focus on fellowship and spiritually challenging one another. Some of these fellowships include shopping, dining and other "child free" times of fellowship.


Ladies Fellowships

The ladies of Sardis Church are a very active group. They meet monthly to plan for Church events and ladies fellowship. Sardis Church could not accomplish all it does for our Lord Jesus without the help and work of our ladies ministry.




Southern Ladies Conference ONLINE Registration CLICK HERE

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Contact Us

Sardis Free Will Baptist Church

660 Highway 30

Eufaula, AL 36027

Church Office:


Adult Ministry:

Youth Ministry:



Service Schedule

Sunday Worship Services

9:30 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Morning Worship

6:00 PM Evening Worship

Wednesday Service

6:30 PM Adult Bible Study


[K2-6th Grade]

6:30 PM Journey Teen Ministry

[7th-12th Grade]

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© Sardis Freewill Baptist Church